For Struggling Music Producers...

I'll Personally Build You A Profitable
Type Beat Channel In Only 90 days GUARANTEED

Here's Exactly How It Works๐Ÿ‘‡

step 1: watch this video

step 1: watch this video

Step 2 of 2: Book Your Free Strategy Call

This is a private strategy call with my team. If youโ€™re not in a position to invest, please do not apply.
(5 of 15 spots remaining)

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I've Made Over $142,150 From My Type Beats

Results of Students Who
Booked The Strategy Call

Adriano (14 years old)
2.6K Subscribers
500K+ Views On A Single Beat

Diego (22 years old)
25.6k Subscribers
7.8 Million Total Views

Steven (21 years old)
Got 1k+ Views on a single beat in less than 30 days

More Results From
Producers Who Took Action

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document.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", function () { setTimeout(() => { document.getElementById("progress-bar").style.width = "80%"; }, 500); });

IMPORTANT: Your Booking Is NOT Confirmed Yet!

Watch this quick video to save your spot ๐Ÿ‘‡